Resources - City of Ann Arbor

Contains links to relevant City departments and policies/ordinances that regulate Greek housing in the city.

City of Ann Arbor:


In the Summer of 2018, the City of Ann Arbor changed the zoning code that applies to fraternity and sorority houses. Fraternity and sorority houses have historically been allowed as special exceptions under Ann Arbor's zoning if approved by the city's Planning Commission; the new rules add a new layer to the rules by requiring that fraternities and sororities maintain an affiliation with the University of Michigan or another college or university in order for their houses to be specially permitted by the city. The rule does not retroactively apply to existing fraternities and sororities. Instead, it will take effect only with future permits granted by the city -- either permits for newly established fraternities and sororities or for existing organizations looking to expand.

As a result of the changes, should a prospective fraternity or sorority lose their recognition from UM as a result of extreme cases like sexual assault or hazing, the special-exemption use would expire after two years, and the zoning would revert back to single-family or two-family home status.

Washtenaw/Hill Historic District:

The Washtenaw/Hill Historic District was completed in two separate phases. Phase 1 was adopted in 1980, and consisted of five properties at the intersection of Washtenaw and Hill. Phase 2 was adopted in 1986, adding 16 properties to the Washtenaw/Hill Historic District, for a total of 21 properties. During the mid-1990s, more than one thousand properties were considered for addition to the existing Washtenaw/Hill Historic District. In the early-2000s, the Phase 3 addition was proposed and a study committee was appointed. It would have incorporated over 150 additional properties into the Historic District, including 1530 Washtenaw; however, this proposal was not adopted.

The chapter house property currently falls outside jurisdiction of any city Historic District. It does share a property line with two properties currently in the Washtenaw/Hill Historic District -- 1550 Washtenaw (Zeta Tau Alpha) and 1429 Hill (University of Michigan Hillel).