Monks Photos 1910's

Alpha-Tau Chapter of Chi Phi emerged from affiliation with the Monks, a highly respected local which was established in 1910 by ten undergraduates, as a social club to promote good fellowship.

The founders were a senior group and operated under a rigid constitution and bylaws, and an oppressive system of fine for absence or lateness at meetings. It did not take long for the Monks to become favorably known on the Michigan campus. Soon, we were pushing near the top in scholastic rating, until by 1919-20 we ranked second among the forty some Odd general fraternities and house clubs.

The original photos were contributed and notated by Les Warfel, Monk and Alpha-Tau 1921. They were an integral part of the fraternity’s scrapbook for decades. We have scanned these photos to prevent further deterioration due to age.

Group Photos

The Monks House

Candid Photos